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17. december 2012


Jeg sad lige og læste mine egne gamle indlæg igennem. Da jeg kom til mandarinandrikken i Ronneby Å, kom jeg i tanker om en samtale vi havde i sidste uge. Om ænder. Jessica påstod, at vi altid kun så gråænder i Ronneby Å. "Nej", sagde Ingeborg..."der var også - appelsin!"

Birds of Bolivia - rope shown

When you get around to the buteonine raptors, you know that you are in for trouble. Looking at the "to do list" seeing that you are about to illustrate a species called Buteo polysoma will reassure you, that you should have tried to get assigned to painting tanagers in stead of raptors.
Well, I am now down to two Buteo-species lacking, but the Micrastur are lurking around the corner!

Here is my last "plate", illustrating three (or four) bolivian Buteos.

4. december 2012

Birds of Bolivia

Work is progressing, lately I have been painting buteonine raptors, wich allows me to work quitw fast. I must say, that I am more used to buzzards than to ostriches, not least thanks to the fact, that I am currently working on a book about the raptors of Denmark as well.

Here is my latest accomplishment, incl. swainsons', savannah, harris, and road-side hawks.